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At 65, as I approach the final stage of this journey we call life, I've come to realize that the true beauty lies in the unknown. Embracing the uncertainties and mysteries of the world has been a liberating experience for me. I've learned to find happiness in the smallest of moments and appreciate the everyday wonders that surround me.

Reflecting on my life, I am filled with gratitude for the countless blessings and opportunities that have come my way. Serendipity has played a significant role in shaping my path, and I am thankful for all the unexpected twists and turns that have led me to where I am today.

While time may have flown by quickly, I am glad to have been present for the ups and downs life has thrown my way. As I look back, I recognize the moments when I was lost and unsure of myself, a sentiment echoed in the relationships with my 4 children who may not have fully known me due to my own self-discovery journey.

Despite the mistakes and missteps along the way, I have no regrets. Every decision, whether right or wrong, has contributed to the person I am today. I am proud to be part of a community of searching souls who strive for greatness and yearn for a deeper understanding of our existence.

As I look towards the future, I hold onto the belief that I will find my happy ending. Just like a fairy tale where the characters live happily ever after, I trust that my story will conclude on a note of contentment and fulfillment. The journey may be unpredictable, but I have faith that it will ultimately lead me to a place of peace and joy.

Arsenio Antonio for ECPP European Community Projects Philippines (German Community), Gambia Container house Community Projects. A project of DTCM Group Inc. Pioneering work in promoting Ethical Investments.