We are pleased to invite your Engineers, Assessors, DRRM, Cartographer and technical staff to
attend to our incoming event, Seminar/Workshops with hands-on in RT24 eSurvey Application
Software. To support your Database and Parcelization of Lands Individual Titling with descriptions
for future multi purpose map and for tax mapping.
We are pleased to inform you that our August 8-9, 2024 Event has been moved to September 26-27,
this year due to tropical storm in Cavite, our venue is heavily damaged by tons of waste/garbage.
You are invited
LIDAR 2024 Seminar Workshop
Villamar Beach Resort, Barangay San Rafael IV, Noveleta Cavite
September 26-27, 2024 Thu. Friday
Topics; Global Navigational Satellite Systems - RTK, Lidar/Drone, EcoSounder; Introduction
to Bathymetry -measurement of water depth in oceans, rivers and lakes. RT24 eSurvey
hands-on, for future GIS Database Management applicable for Geodetic Engineers,
LGU/Assessors, housing, and subdivision developers. Real Property Tax Administration
System RPTAS and Satellite Imagery Solutions.
