Weak men tend to place their attention and energy on women, seeking validation, approval, and companionship from them. They often look to others to define their worth and masculinity. However, women are more attracted to strong, confident men who have a clear sense of purpose and direction in life. These strong men are not preoccupied with seeking external validation but rather are deeply focused on their personal mission and goals.

Therefore, it is important to prioritize self-improvement and personal growth before seeking validation from others. By focusing on oneself and one's own development, one can build the strength and confidence needed to attract the right people and opportunities into their life. Only when the focus shifts inward and becomes centered on personal growth and fulfillment can one truly achieve their highest potential. So, focus on yourself until the focus is on you, and everything else will fall into place.

Arsenio Antonio for ECPP European Community Projects Philippines (German Community), Gambia Container house Community Projects. A project of DTCM Group Inc. Pioneering work in promoting Ethical Investments.